Monday, June 16, 2014

Today....whirlwind of a mess

So today has been wild. I woke up and got the boys breakfast.  I come home to find Jared here. He had went to the doctor for his horrible poison ivy issue. He does not have to go back to work until Wednesday,  which is nice to have him here. Since he was here I went grocery shopping with out all the kids. Thank goodness cause I was going to have to take them all with me originally, and i was dreading it. I come home to the boys fighting, as usual and just crazy nonsense. My dad comes to take the boys to chickfila to eat and play. I put in a Fibi & clo order in while it is quiet, but then get a call that Jackson is hitting kids. *seriously?* When the got back,  I should have known something was up with Westin because he wanted me. He never wants me if my dad is around. He has a fever now, and was super clingy all evening before it got noticeable. Jackson is asleep on the couch, but I know he will wake soon because that is just what he does. My house is like a tornado hit it right now and I am not looking forward to cleaning up. I have so much to get done with no will to do it. Lets pray for a better day tomorrow!

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through him who strengthens me

I need to remember that!

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