Friday, July 11, 2014

Why do they act a mess with me?

So I have yet to understand why the children will not listen to me, but they listen to their father. I seriously can be screaming all bat shit crazy style, and nothing. Jared can say 1 word and boom they listen. I can be nice as can be and still nothing. I am at a loss of what to do. This evening has been horrible and I have almost lost my voice. So over it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Laundry Room Options

So when I went to Lowes earlier today, I picked up paint choices for the laundry room. We are going with orange/coral.

So there are the ones I liked best, and I gave the choice to Jared and the boys.

Now on this one I like the Orange Slice (middle one)

One  this one I liked the Autumn Enchantment (first one)

Now this one was just bright lol, Jeremy liked this one.
I think in the end Jared wants the Autumn Enchantment. I was very happy with that choice, but we still are not set in stone. What do yall think?? I would love opinions. I will have a navy modern tile rug that will go in here as well. Navy looks good with either coral or orange so all would  blend nicely together.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kitchen Island redo

So I knew that I was going to paint the island at some point. For anyone that has been to my house and seen it, they knew it was nasty and needed paint. Most all of our house still has the "builder paint" and that means no seal on that paint. So if it gets dirty, then its stained and if you try to wipe it, the paint just comes off the wall. Well I finally decided to paint it today. I had the paint and brushes already, so I went and got tape today from Lowes. I also got sample cards for the playroom and laundry room, but that will be another post. I didn't take before pictures, because it was just nasty, but I have after!! Do you like?? I do!! Please excuse the mess on the island before I took the painters tape off.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Book for school

I am starting my summer class on Monday. I went and bought the book for the class. It was listed as $180!! Luckily it rang up as $144. Still that is soooo high!!! I sure hope that book was worth it. I am very excited to start back up at school. I can not wait to have my associates finished, which is only 8 courses away (after I clep 2) I still need to see if I can get around my PHYS ED class. I would rather not have to go that.

Finishing the medications

So today was my last day of antibiotics. Hallelujah!! They have seriously torn up my stomach and given me the dreaded prednisone face. :( While I do feel so much better, I dislike all of the side affects. I even started my period mid birth control pack from the antibiotics. I had only just had one 8 days before. That did give me an excuse to buy some more mama cloth!! YAY hahaha

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New bathroom ideas

So Jared took a shower... I walked in the bathroom to chat with him, also I was following Westin in there. I was picking up some paper off the floor, and before I could even grab him, Westin grabbed my Jamberry nails bag and threw it. Which proceeded to make everything inside fly out with mass force. The black nail lacquer I had busted all over the floor. I seriously could not even function at this point. It got on the tile, on the wall, on the floorboard. EVERYWHERE....and BLACK!!! I luckily got it off the tile and floorboard ok, but the wall just smeared and if it did come off it took the paint off with it. Soo we now will have to paint the bathroom. We were thinking maybe turquoise and grey. It will probably not be anytime soon, but it will happen.

I am loving my patriotic pedicure!!

I love my pedicure!! Getting ready for the 4th of July. Also it makes my Sun Cascades look wonderful :)

Seriously...this happened in a matter of 15 minutes

1) Westin some how climbed up next to his dresser,and tried to dump out the scentsy wax.
2) While he was attempting that, I ran to get to him, I proceed to fall on my ass...and not just fall... like where my legs fly out and I landed on my back hard core.
3) While laying on the floor, Scooter thought it was a great time to try and lick me in the mouth, since I was on the floor. Westin thought it was funny and sat on my stomach and laughed.
4) Jackson wanted milk.... then was negligent on where he left his cup.
5) Westin found milk cup and left trail.. from tile and to carpet. EWW I hate carpet.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Happenings of last night

In a small window of time, these events occured:

1)Westin some how climbed up next to his dresser,and tried to dump out the scensty wax
2)While he was attempting that, I ran as fast as I could to get to him, before he hurt himself, I proceed to slip on the carpet and fall on my ass.
3)While laying on the floor, Scooter thought it was a great time to try and lick me in the mouth, since I was on the floor. Westin thought it was funny and sat on my stomach and bounced and laughed.
4)Jackson wanted milk.... then was negligent on where he left his cup.
5) Westin found milk cup and left trail.. from tile and to carpet. EWW I hate carpet.

Recent Family Photos

Asthma doctor

So I had to go back to the doctor. I am not better. So I went to the asthma doctor. I knew I was going to be yelled at cause my lungs are in such bad shape. He pretty much told me that if I wouldn't have gone back,  I would have gotten pneumonia again. Wonderful. I got started on more antibiotics and prednisone again. I have to keep doing the nebulizer as well as start nasal drops and a daily upkeep inhaler.  I will go back in two weeks to have allergy testing done again. Well hopefully I can get it all under control again.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sickness everywhere!

So when I last talked about the babies being sick....ha it got so much worse. Jackson has a bad headcold. Westin was just teething horribly. Now then I got a horrible upper respiratory infection that came on fast. It started Thursday night. I could taste it. I think only people that get them  often or have bad asthma will understand that. The next morning I could hardly breathe. Now doctor visit and 5 prescriptions later, I am slowly getting better. Well the only  downside to all of the meds is thst I can't sleep. In the past 48 hours I have only slept maybe 9. Its bad. Plus I have a lot of fluid and drainage behind my right ear that it felt as if someone jabbed a stick in there and ripped out my eardrum. That was fun. Well quick prayers for healing!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sick little ones

Westin has been teething something fierce. He had a fever the last two days, but has been fever free today. Jackson was up all night coughing and has been snotty and coughing all day. No fever. I gave him medicine to make him feel better. He has been snuggled on the couch all day and hasn't eaten anything all day. Poor thing must not feel good to not eat at all. Hopefully he will feel better soon.

I want to take the kids to do stuff, but 1) we have no money until next Friday and 2) they are sick.... Jared just went on a long stretch of nights so I will have to try my best to keep them all at bay while he sleeps.

I made Tater Tot Casserole for dinner tonight. It was delicious as it always is. Jeremy loves when I make it. Well they all do actually!! I make the recipe from the Duggar website. It is so easy and tastes wonderful.... It is attached here. Hopefully someone else will get good use from it!! :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Today....whirlwind of a mess

So today has been wild. I woke up and got the boys breakfast.  I come home to find Jared here. He had went to the doctor for his horrible poison ivy issue. He does not have to go back to work until Wednesday,  which is nice to have him here. Since he was here I went grocery shopping with out all the kids. Thank goodness cause I was going to have to take them all with me originally, and i was dreading it. I come home to the boys fighting, as usual and just crazy nonsense. My dad comes to take the boys to chickfila to eat and play. I put in a Fibi & clo order in while it is quiet, but then get a call that Jackson is hitting kids. *seriously?* When the got back,  I should have known something was up with Westin because he wanted me. He never wants me if my dad is around. He has a fever now, and was super clingy all evening before it got noticeable. Jackson is asleep on the couch, but I know he will wake soon because that is just what he does. My house is like a tornado hit it right now and I am not looking forward to cleaning up. I have so much to get done with no will to do it. Lets pray for a better day tomorrow!

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through him who strengthens me

I need to remember that!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thoughts for the day

So after I had my bible study today, it got me thinking... why do people just ask for hard times? I mean I know sometimes bad things happen to good people but then there are people that straight up invite it in. They want the attention or the hard times..but why. I just don't understand. It is mind blowing. Ok well thats all.