Monday, August 1, 2011

Fuzzi Bunz

So I have 3 in my stash that I use for my night time diapering. I never had any issues with them and they have been great for the over night, 10+ hours wetness, but they are so not my favorite. I realized this tonight when the back seemed very tight, and I just didn't feel like adjusting the elastic. I guess I'm being lazy. I love the idea and seemless look of the diaper but I seem to reach for my rumparooz or happy heiny at night. It makes me feel sad a little. I will still use them......maybe. I need to downsize my stash since I have a new found love for prefolds and I might just give some of them to my bff's sister in law, since they are starting cloth and don't have extra funds to buy very many, and since I have 30+ diapers, I could spare some. Any one else have a diaper that they thought they would love and just aren't as impressed as you thought you would have been?


  1. i like the ones you got me hooked on...GroVia!!! money well spent :)

  2. Gdiapers. I thought I'd love them, but hate them!

    1. Yea gdiapers were the first diapers I ever tried and I didnt like them. Its funny now, fuzzi bunz came out with the elite style and I like that one alot better. :)
