Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Skeeters game
We went to the Skeeters game tonight as a family and with Jareds Parents and his uncle Bruce. We won the game, which was nice. It was super hot though. Here is a picture of Jeremy with Swatson and then the best picture ever known to man lol!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Well woman exam and birth control
So I had my yearly today. Everything is fine but we talked about birth control. I think I'm going to get the Mirena. Its covered by the insurance, which is nice. Free is better then paying for Jared to get the snip snip. Plus that is sooo permanent. The question of a 4th has come up and some days we are like hell no. Other days we might consider it, in a few years. It is our decision in the end and we will cross that bridge ay a later date.
Westin will be 7 months old in 4 days.....I still dont believe it. The time has gone by sooo fast. He is such a good baby. So laid back and relaxed.
Jeremy and Jackson are at each others throats now that summer is coming to an end. It will be better once Jeremy goes back to school.